Live Online Course For Teams
My online clinics are highly interactive with a combination of breakouts, online polls, and work sharing. Capability building is spread out over a period of three weeks to learn and implement in bite-sized chunks during the journey.
This clinic will enable your team to set the scene for success and then drive it home. Focus on measuring what matters most, not measuring just for the sake of having KPIs. Create KPIs that stakeholders want to see, in the way they want to see them. Have the confidence to develop SMART KPIs that actually work in practice
The clinic starts at the most strategic level by to categorising your suppliers by mutual importance (how important each party is to the other). This sets up what is possible. We then design the behaviours that one of your key relationships requires, learn how turn these into a scorecard and contract feature, and how make it work in practice.
Choosing which providers your organisation will depend upon for many years is a critical activity. Vigilant selection delivers the best match - if your organisation truly knows the market and what it wants.
Excellent course. Much food for thought.
Best course I've attended in the last decade. An
investment that will pay for itself many times over.
I will be able to put the course straight to work and make a
positive change to the way we do our business.
Super excited to be the best SoW writer in my function! I'm
going to crush it. Turned a very dull subject into a really
interesting subject that I am excited to do better with.
Great pace as well as the content. The presentation of the
course material combining theory with group and individual
exercises made this a most enjoyable course.
An excellent course. Environment was open, friendly,
facilitated learnings and understandings. Personal attention
was excellent. Highly recommended - should be compulsory
for all contract managers.
It was very useful to learn how to motivate suppliers, how to remove ambiguity, and how to keep scopes short and straight to the point.
Presented a very dry and difficult topic in an interesting way. Very useful were reviewing our own scopes, the 'specifier' exercise, and hearing about the diamond, bargaining power, the Iron Triangle, and the Winner's Curse.
The small focus group with a high level of interaction and
workshops and exercises was most enjoyable.